Panic Before the Flood is finished!

Wow I finally did it, I made my very first game! This took so much work and time that I might've jeopardized my classes while working on this at the same time. But it was a very fun experience that I want to keep having. This was a project that I had to complete in a set amount of time, but I want to work on a project over a longer course of time. I learned so much from completing this game and I can't wait to get started on my next one!

I certainly struggled the most with level design and if I'm being honest, I don't like platformers very much, it was a good starting place to find out what I don't like though.

The main lesson that I learned while working on this game is that version control is VERY important. Absolutely make sure that you keep up to date versions of your game in a Github repository so that if anything happens you can get it back. I almost lost my 100+ hours of development because I didn't use version control, but I was able to get it back with help from someone else. There are many game that I want to work on now that I have finished this one, I feel like many doors are opening for me, all these impossibilities becoming more realistic, and all these ideas for what I want to make. 

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98 days ago


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P.S. I failed a class because of this project :(